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... and just like that

her desire
became her reality

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Let's launch your course or digital product into the world in a way that creates massive financial results!

With Launch and Make Money, you’ll experience that exhilarating moment when a surge of clients are so excited by your offer that they can't wait to say, “Yay, I am IN!” This course is a lifeline for women who have great products but haven’t seen them fly off the shelves yet.

You’ll learn that it isn't about the size of your audience — In fact, our process has created multiple easy six-figure launches — even with less than 3K follower counts.

In this course, I take you through the in-depth sales energetics and strategies that built my $1.2M course business in less than two years. Learn how to create content that builds trust, how to craft the perfect funnel that adds excited potential clients to your follower count and onto your email list, and how to nurture them into tapping the PAY NOW✅ button for your course or product. Register today for instant access!

Launch & Make Money!

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ActivAte membership

Ready to create the business & life of your dreams?

ACTIVATE gives you my eyes and coaching on your business 2X per month and exclusive access to everything: 6 Business Mastery courses + ALL 17 mindset & energetics programs, and all new releases I put out for an entire year! (over $34,000 value!)

Unlock the support and every tool you need to overcome limiting beliefs and anything standing in the way of your success. We play in the illogical, making insane money without the stress or overwhelm. Join Activate and be part of our fun community of women all scaling a thriving business they're obsessed with. We do this together, beauty! 

Beauty, don't grow alone! Join our incredible sisterhood of women in Haven all changing their life in big ways and small.

Each month I lead our collective through an embodiment theme around your mindset, healing, energetics, personal expansion, decoding your ego, breaking free of limiting beliefs, health, love, manifesting money, connected relationships, and creating emotional freedom so you can unapologetically own your voice and step into your power! Haven is a MOVEMENT that is so fun and life-changing at the same time!

You get access to a full masterclass, the Haven community, 5-day challenges, monthly giveaways 🎁 and a live Q&A coaching call with Keeli & Brad every month! 

Just $47! Try it for the month. No commitments.

Haven membership

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New Business Mastery Course

My expertise – my mission – centers on how to access your inner power daily, and how to create your dream life through awareness and miraculous, easy-to-implement processes. I help my clients tap into their unique “Spark” - an internal torch of potential we ALL have that is waiting to be ignited!

I teach women in all industries how to connect more fully to themselves and how to trust their inner Spark to make bold moves with confidence. I have empowered hundreds of women to generate 5 and 6 figure months by getting clarity on their true desires, heal past pain, reclaim their health, develop the relationship of their dreams, and live an abundant, "level 10 pinch me life!"

At the heart of what I do, I activate people into their greatness.

nice to meet you sis

Interested in 1:1 coaching, my mastermind, or a VIP Intensive? 

I'm Keeli

Message me a little about YOU

7-Figure Serial Entrepreneur  •  Mom of 3 (+4 bonus)  •  5/2 Mani-Gen

7-Figure Serial Entrepreneur
Mom of 3 (+4 bonus)
5/2 Mani-Gen

The Golden Ratio:


The Golden Ratio—80% energetics, 20% strategy—is my secret to unlocking transformative, lasting success in both life and business.

This formula ignites a passion fueled, soul-led journey that stands resilient against burnout or overwhelm. By enhancing your emotional intelligence and deepening your spiritual connection, you open pathways for healing, resilience, growth, empowered self-leadership, and wildly abundant results.

Business Strategy

Get everything with

ACTIVATE gives you exclusive access to ALL of my Energetics + Business Strategy courses, masterclasses, and programs. Learn more >

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Fueling your personal growth and transformation, each channeled masterclass offers a fresh lens to truly understand your life and the world around you. You'll fast-track your expansion with new insights and awareness, and our integration ensures that what you learn is rapidly implemented into your everyday life.

Think of every masterclass as a stepping stone on your personal awakening journey, weaving valuable lessons into your life experiences, creating impactful and long-lasting changes in the areas that are most meaningful to you.  Learn more >



Accelerate your wealth building journey with powerful business courses each month, distilling my proven strategies, processes, and practices that have created three 7-figure brands across very diverse industries.

Unearth the 'how' behind consistently manifesting financial prosperity that defies logic.

If you've taken any of my courses, you know to expect profound paradigm shifts, new awareness, simplicity, and massive expansion. My new courses will elevate your business to incredible heights while staying in full alignment with your passions and purpose. If you're ready, LFG! 

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Your mindset, emotions, and beliefs directly influence how you interact with the world and what it reflects back to you. If you’re ready to make shifts and quantum leap in your life, this is where it always starts—the inside job. Getting into full alignment through healing, learning the process of co-creation, gaining confidence, and expanding your self-awareness will transform you into a powerful force who can manifest your desired outcomes in all areas of your life, including personal happiness, health, relationships, and money.

The Trifecta is comprised of Nourish, Anchoring and DARE. Together, these profound and life changing courses are the foundation for an incredible life experience where awareness and abundance and are reclaimed as your God-given birthright. If you're new to the Aligned Spark world, start here.  Learn More >



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